Something About Me

Freelance Developer

Pierpaolo Pistorio

During the day I am a web developer that focuses on front-end frameworks such as Astro, React and Tailwind CSS. I have a passion for design systems and building accessible user interfaces by writing semantic HTML and performant JavaScript code.

My favourite technologies include:

  • Astro
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
Screenshot of the Wall of Wonder.

Latest Workshop

Word Master

The goal was to recreate the desktop version of the popular million dollar selling game "Wordle". Implementing the logic of the game was very fun and a bit tricky in certain ways, but the end result was satisfating and i learned a lot of JavaScript during the process. This is a link of the project. Have fun trying to guess the word of the day!

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
Screenshot of the Wall of Wonder.